What if every last drop of moisturiser effortlessly slipped out of the bottle thanks to a frictionless coating? Talk about no waste! Or if packaging was virtual? So, beauty products didn’t come in boxes only to be thrown away but instead ingredients lists were viewed via QR codes or virtually accessed. Or if packaging was dissolvable and simply disappeared in water?
We are so inspired by some of the innovations like these happening in the packaging space. As a small business, we’re not always big enough to take advantage of them just yet but we love to be inspired by what’s possible and to have big aspirations about where we’re going.
We also love to look back
When I was a young child, almost all drinks came in a glass bottles or tin cans. And they were valuable – 10c for cans and bottles when cashed in to be recycled.
There’s a good reason we’re seeing a trend back to the packaging choices of the 70s. Glass, aluminium and paper/cardboard, while they aren’t perfect environmental choices (what is?), they have a key benefits over plastic that makes it first choice for us when at all possible.
Glass and aluminium can be infinitely recycled, while plastic has a recycling lifecycle of 8-9 times. And all that depends on two things. That people have a way – and a will – to recycle them.
We know our customers are on a recycling journey with us as we often hear how glad people are to receive their Frankie favourites in glass even though they can be more fragile in little hands. Like we say, there are pros and cons to every packaging choice!
Mono-materials and tips to recycle
Due to the nature of some of our products being liquid, we still need to use plastic pumps for our body and facial oils. These can be recycled but they need to be pulled apart to separate the plastic from the metal spring inside.
The fact they aren’t made from one material referred to as mono-material, means different material needs to be sorted and recycled through the right channels.
We’re happy to recycle the pumps for you – just get in touch with us to return them. Or better yet – when you’re buying your next Kawakawa Body Oil choose a refill instead and just reuse your old pump again and again!
We’re always looking for new, simpler ways to dispense oils that are robust enough to protect the product as it travels without any leaks along the way. Watch this space.
Tips for recycling your Frankie Apothecary jars and packaging
Our Kawakawa Repair Balm and Natural Sun Defence SPF40 now use paper labels. While they won’t stay looking as good for as long as the old plastic labels, they do make recycling much simpler.
The paper label is simply floated off before melting – or smelting in the case of our aluminium sunscreen tins – and there is no need to try to peel these off before they go into the recycling bin.
On the other hand, plastic labels can interfere with the recycling process and reduce the quality of the recycled glass or aluminium which is the reason we made the switch. And while some recycling plants have specialized sorting equipment that can remove plastic labels, to make sure your glass recycling is processed properly, it is best to remove these plus pumps or lids before popping them into kerbside recycling. The same goes for any aluminium packaging you’re recycling to avoid contamination of the recycled metal.
The plastic labels can be recycled in soft plastic recycling in Auckland at Countdown supermarkets and Huckleberry stores to name a few. Again, if this isn’t available in your area, get in touch and return it to us to recycle for you.
It’s not polystyrene - it’s pop starch!

And of course, there’s always upcycling!
If you have a few jars at home and love crafting, transform your old Frankie jars into a storage container for buttons, salt or pizza herbs or a handy container for succulents - beautify your space and care for the planet at the same time.
Thank you for helping us care for Papatuanuku!