A sneak peek of our upcoming sales & gift offers! November 21, 2024Georgina Elvin Curious to know the gift with purchase offers we'll be running and any special sales we'll be having in the lead up to Kirihimete? To stay in the loop, make sure you're...
We're now part of the Health 2000 family! November 12, 2024Matt Elvin We have some exciting news to share - Frankie Apothecary is the latest brand to join the Health 2000 family! Customers constantly ask where they can buy Frankie Apothecary instore and...
A clever Kawakawa Repair makeup hack October 17, 2024Georgina Elvin A little while ago we had an awesome wāhine helping us out at Frankie Apothecary. She introduced us to a new use for Kawakawa Repair, one we hadn't considered before. Her skin,...
The Inside Scoop on Salicylates and Eczema September 10, 2024Huia Minogue Scientists have known for over 100 years that aspirin use can trigger skin rashes, and research shows that diets designed to eliminate salicylates are successful in reducing skin rashes for...
Simplifying hormonal health... and why your skincare matters August 08, 2024Huia Minogue Our hormones are here to help Your hormones are like busy little gardeners, working ceaselessly to try and help your body to enjoy optimal health. Hormones help regulate and balance...
Frankie Apothecary wins big at the 2024 Mama & Baby Awards July 02, 2024Matt Elvin "I’m so pleased to share this good news with you: your brand is one of the highest-scoring winners at this year’s 2024 Mama & Baby / Eco Awards!" We were...
7 Simple ways to celebrate Matariki June 25, 2024Georgina Elvin As the winter chill sets in and the nights grow longer, it's time to celebrate Matariki, the Māori new year. Māori legend has it that Tāwhirimatea, atua of wind, enraged...
Matariki & Mid Winter Mindfulness June 24, 2024Georgina Elvin Matariki has been part of our culture in Aotearoa since people arrived on these islands, as a time when people gathered with loved ones to appreciate the present, enjoy the...
Used topical steroids? Here's what customers have told us April 30, 2024Georgina Elvin We often get asked about steroids creams and if our products can be used with or after using them. First off, I'd like to say that we are not general practitioners, so...
Eczema help for babies & preschoolers March 28, 2024Georgina Elvin Eczema is common in New Zealand's babies If your precious new baby has patches of dry, flaky skin, skin inflammation, skin sensitivity or even red, weeping patches, it's likely that they...
A slew of awards for Frankie at the Beauty Shortlist 2024! March 13, 2024Georgina Elvin2 comments We're thrilled to announce that Frankie Apothecary has scooped up a bundle of fantastic awards at the Beauty Shortlist 2024 - including three outright category winners and a clutch of...
Does your skin love summer as much as you do? January 22, 2024Georgina Elvin Summer can be tricky to navigate if you or your children have eczema. We've combined our handy tips for how to minimise eczema iiritation this summer.
Frankie love for the Whānau - Our Gift Guide for Christmas November 27, 2023Georgina Elvin We love gift giving and this year we've curated some special new Gift Boxes for Christmas. We thought about who we would give these gifts to and created a list...
Introducing our Natural Cleansing Skin Care Collection November 02, 2023Georgina Elvin We have been absolutely bursting to bring you effective natural Facial Cleansing products for your skin care routine... and now we can finally introduce our new collection of cleansing vegan skin care.
What it really looks like when you purchase a truly natural product. September 26, 2023Frankie Apothecary2 comments If you've purchased our zero waste Kawakawa Cleansing Bars and noticed the colour differs slightly; or you've purchased Frankie Kawakawa Balm and noticed the consistency is slightly different to the last jar - then...
Finding a safe sunscreen for children... and how to get it ON them! September 25, 2023Georgina Elvin Sunscreen application is an act of love, and crucial for the long term health of children growing up in New Zealand under an ozone hole. It's not always the easiest...
How Kawakawa protects itself, as well as your skin! August 31, 2023Georgina Elvin Kawakawa leaves contain the amazing bioactive Myristicin, which is anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, hepatoprotective (prevents damage to the liver), psychoactive - and anticholinergic, meaning that it blocks certain nerve impulses, like the pain of eczema irritation.
How do Frankie Subscriptions work? August 14, 2023Georgina Elvin1 comment We're glad you asked! One thing we're grateful for at Frankie is you, our amazing customers, and our subscription service is one way for us to say ngā mihi nui/thank you...
Sleep time rituals for children with eczema prone skin July 13, 2023Georgina Elvin1 comment Never mind the boogie monster - if your whānau is dealing with eczema, your kids probably have bigger worries at night time! Eczema is notorious for flaring up at night...
Beginning the Maramataka journey July 11, 2023Georgina Elvin When you begin to seek more understanding about why Matariki is a special time of year in Aotearoa, it can often begin a journey to understand the Maramataka, the Māori lunar calendar, where Matariki...
SIX Awards in the Global Mama & Baby Awards 2023 June 16, 2023Georgina Elvin This year, judges from the UK, USA, and Australia selected Frankie Apothecary in six different categories of The Beauty Shortlist's special Mama & Baby Awards 2023. Best of all, we...
A little Aroha for Eczema Care and Winter Skin June 13, 2023Georgina Elvin1 comment Winter is hard on skin, especially if you have a vulnerability to eczema, dermatitis, or dry chapped skin. Regardless of if you have normal skin and just want to ensure...
Proud to wear the Eczema Association of New Zealand badge May 25, 2023Georgina Elvin If eczema is affecting your household, whether it’s you or your little ones living with dry, irritated skin, it can be such a struggle. One itchy child can mean broken sleep for...
Our winning lineup at the Beauty Shortlist Awards 2023 March 09, 2023Georgina Elvin Wow, we are absolutely delighted to add four new Beauty Awards to our list in 2023! With three Editor's Choice Awards and a special category Winner, we are incredibly proud...
Tips to soothe cradle cap, dribble rash and cracked nipples March 07, 2023Georgina Elvin Caring for your baby is time consuming and tiring (okay, exhausting!), but it's also some of the most meaningful work you will ever do. We are here to help you take great...
Why is Frankie's Kawakawa Balm stand-out effective? February 23, 2023Georgina Elvin We're a little bit in love with Kawakawa ... okay, a LOT in love with Kawakawa! That unique fragrance, the appealing heart shaped leaves, and most of all, the amazing natural...
Packaging – one eye on the future and one on the past February 17, 2023Georgina Elvin What if every last drop of moisturiser effortlessly slipped out of the bottle thanks to a frictionless coating? Talk about no waste! Or if packaging was virtual? So, beauty products...
Is sunscreen your frenemy? October 07, 2022Georgina Elvin It’s the single most important product for protecting your skin, age-proofing and reducing your risk of skin cancer, but ironically, sunscreens are often loaded with some of the worst offending...
Frankie Apothecary's love for indigenous ingredients recognised September 21, 2022Matt Elvin Frankie Apothecary are delighted to announce our Win for Best Use of Indigenous Ingredients in the Best of Natural Awards 2022.
Playful pathways to learn te reo Māori September 13, 2022Georgina Elvin When I rolled up to the community kapa haka group at my daughter's school, I didn't want to be the un-co one who constantly got the actions wrong. From my...